The new Montana State Fund Office Building at the corner of Front and 14th streets is another great addition to the ongoing history of downtown Helena.

110,000 SF
Montana State Fund
National Brick in Architecture – Brick Institute of America, Best in Class Award (2011)
LEED Gold Certified

The design for the new Building and Parking Garage is a culmination of the spirit of partnership between the State Board of Investments, Montana State Fund, and the City of Helena along with the creative problem solving of Mosaic. In addition to providing extra space for Montana State Fund, this development identifies synergies within a broader city fabric, affording additional opportunities in cultivating cultural and economic growth within the heart of Helena.

In a collaborative effort with the community, Mosaic created the 115,000 s.f. State Fund offices and the City’s 360 space 15th Street Parking Garage as two separate projects in a coordinated planning, design and construction effort. Awards include the national Brick in Architecture – Brick Institute of America, Best in Class Award (2011).