In response to ever-changing demands on library services, the Lewis and Clark Library embarked on a major renovation to allow the library to better serve the public in the years to come.

37,000 SF
Lewis & Clark County
Study Booths/Rooms
Public Conference Rooms

Since that time, Libraries have evolved; the Helena community’s needs have changed; technology constantly advances. The Library’s 2018 Strategic Plan has guided us towards a re-imagining of the interior spaces of the Library. And the Strategic Plan tells us we need to make the building safe and accessible for all users. The Strategic Plan clearly states that our children and teen spaces need improvement and modernization.

All of these changes were made with the Library’s increased demands on programs and community space in mind. The Library is a popular building, open to the public, and a community gathering space. The Library strives to be the community’s Living Room and we want to make it as comfortable for our guests as possible.